While it may seem like the holidays were just last week, spring is actually almost upon us. And if your home has been closed up all winter long, it’s time to start thinking about doing some spring cleaning to get rid of any musty odors, dirt and clutter that have accumulated over the winter. While you may be groaning inside, don’t stress. Spring cleaning is NOT something you should have to dread. Check out these six spring cleaning tips to help the process go and smoothly as possible.
- Make a plan.
Chances are that not every area in your house will need serious elbow grease. Take a look around your home. What areas need the most work? Where do you stop during your normal, routine cleaning? What rooms need the most work? Regardless of where you choose to start, having a plan in place will help you stay focused and prevent you from drifting from one chore to the next, never completing anything (because this happens all of us at one time or another).
- Spend time de-cluttering.
There’s no doubt that clutter can significantly add to your stress level. Take some time to go through closets and toss things you haven’t used in a year (or longer) that you feel confident that you’ll never miss. Resist the temptation to be overly sentimental. Donate what you can and toss the rest! Clean out your office and get rid of old paperwork that you no longer need. And tackle that bulging junk drawer!
- Work from top to bottom.
This is actually really important because it can save you from doing extra, unnecessary cleaning. Think about it: if you start with the floors and then clean dusty ceiling fans or high, dusty shelves, your floors will be dirty all over again. Minimize your work load by starting at the top and working your way down.
- Tackle walls and windows.
If a year has passed since you last cleaned your windows, you you’ll likely have to start with a simple sponge and soapy water before worrying about streaks. However, once you’ve cleaned off any dirt and mildew, a squeegee will work wonders in creating streak-free windows.
Painted walls are easy to take care of. Just use a damp towel to wipe down walls and a towel to wipe any dust from blinds.
- Tackle the kitchen.
Some of us can get a little intimidated when we think of deep cleaning the kitchen. However, it doesn’t have to be a painful task. Start by wiping down your cabinets and the inside of drawers. Next go through your pantry and refrigerator, wiping down the shelves and throwing everything away that has expired. Finish by using gentle cleaners to wipe down your stainless-steel appliances.
- Clean your bathrooms.
This is another often-dreaded chore: cleaning the bathroom. However, if you keep up with routine cleaning, it shouldn’t be that bad. Start by changing the shower curtain or liner and then go through your cosmetics and toss all expired items. Finally, we recommend using the Sanitizing Blend plug in refill to get rid of any musty odors in the room. This air sanitizer contains peppermint, jasmine and oak moss and the antiseptic and sanitizing qualities are designed to remove odors from rooms even long after the sanitizer has evaporated.
Final Thoughts
A home that looks and smells fresh and clean can have a massive impact on your state of mind. Even if you don’t have time to tackle the entire project at one time, set smell goals and work on cleaning out one room at a time. If you do that, we promise you’ll have your spring cleaning done in no time!